collaborateurs P&TS SA - Mitarbeiter von P&TS SA - P&TS SA team members

P&TS SA team members

P&TS SA brings together an impressive team of experts with extensive skills in both technology and intellectual property law. We help the most innovative companies to develop effective intellectual property strategies worldwide.

Franck Amiot

Franck Amiot

Member of the direction, European Patent Attorney. PhD in chemistry.

christian barbier pfp

Christian Barbier

Member of the Board


Alexsandro Barreto

Concierge Building maintenance

François Bauer

Member of the Board


Christel Bolkovic

Patent Formalities Officer

Emanuelle Bourbon

Emmanuelle Bourbon

Patent Information Analyst. Swiss Patent Attorney

Sophie Cardy

French, Swiss and European Patent Attorney

Eva Cattoni

Trademark & Design Formalities Officer

Alessandro Farruggio

Patent Formalities Officer

Janine Fey-Gut

Patent Formalities Officer

maude fluckiger redited 2024

Maude Fluckiger

Patent Formalities Officer & Annuities

Giovanni Gervasio

Giovanni Gervasio

Member of the direction. Swiss, Italian and European Patent Attorney

Ronan Guirey

Director of P&TS Zurich. EU, Swiss, UK and Irish patent attorney

Raphael Imer

Raphael Imer

Patent Information Analyst Doctor of Physics

Pascal Koster

Pascal Koster

CEO of P&TS Marques SA. Trademark attorney
daniel kraus pfp 2

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kraus

Attorney at Law, LL.M (King's College London)

Charles Madore

Charles Madore

Swiss and European Patent Attorney

Maria Mania

Maria Maina

Swiss, Italian and European Patent Attorney. Electronic Engineer

Adrien Marcone

Patent Engineer

Claudia Nash

Claudia Nash

Member of the direction, Patent Engineer and Technology Transfer Professional

Anne-Isabelle Ney

Trademark, Patent, Design Formalities Officer

Bryan Oteiza

Bryan Oteiza

Mediamatician & IT Assistant

Olivier Rampa

Olivier Rampa

Swiss and European Patent attorney. Electrical Engineer

Héloïse Rure

Trademark attorney

Christophe Saam

Christophe Saam

Founder and CEO of P&TS SA. Swiss and European Patent attorney
Roseline Saam

Roseline Saam

Technical drafter. Communication

Denise Tenorio Véjar

Accounting Assistant

Bettina Stecher


Melissa Steiner

Patent Formalities Officer

Burçin Ülgen

Chief Financial Officer

mikaela zybach

Mikaela Zybach

Apprentice Office Employee

Violaine Zyromski

Violaine Zyromski

Patent Formalities Officer