For the third consecutive year, the Barbeque of Innovation coorganised by P&TS, the Department of the Economy of the Canton of Neuchâtel, the Haute-Ecole Arc Ingénierie (ARC Upper School of Engineering) and Uditis was an outstanding success benefiting from perfect weather. 200 guests representing the entire ecosystem of innovation in French-speaking Switzerland (academics, start-ups, SMEs, multinationals, ..) had an opporutunity to network and listen to a fascinating speech by Marc-Antoine Kaeser, archeologist and director of the Laténium, who explained to us that not only there is nothing new about innovation, but moreover the drivers haven’t changed since paleolithic times. The firm Spitzwerk / made a world premier presentation of cartographic models with an unparalleled resolution, requiring new computer programmes for the machining. HiKaMi watered the guests thanks to its connected bottle-opener, a premier in Europe. Then the musicians Matthias Müller and Maurice Bernard showed their creativity by improvising pieces on wind instruments they have developed themselves.
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